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Pre-Hire Assessments - Hire Better & Hire the Best for the Job

HR needs to continue to evolve. It needs to leverage data and technology in ways that it never has before. This is what separates antiquated HR from the new age.

Talent acquisition processes are no exception. Technology is transforming how companies find, screen, and select talent every day. Pre-hire assessments used to be just a check the box type of affair. They were not predictive and provided no real insight.

Today, pre-hire assessments are transforming how companies hire and perform. They are providing true insights that are necessary as HR becomes more data-driven, which is the most critical capability that HR departments today.

What makes pre-hire assessments so powerful is their scale and validation. A single lone recruiter cannot and will not consistently and objectively screen hundreds or thousands of applicants. They have their own biases and judgments. A pre-hire assessment provides a consistent objective evaluation that can be deployed at scale that empowers Recruiting and harnesses the power of predictive analysis.

Pre-hire assessments function as a feedback loop for talent acquisitions (Recruiting). The insights gained from the assessments provide pivotal information into engagement, retention, and performance. Where HR fails the most often is that they do not tie back the pre-hire assessments to each of these. They conduct a pre-hire assessment but never go back to review, look for trends, correlations, and conduct a factor analysis.

HR today needs to be smarter and more intentional and strategic. Pre-hire assessments that are administered strategically can help companies.

If you are looking to level up the capabilities in this area and to harness the power of pre-hire assessments in your organization, reach out to DAS Capital Consulting today. They can help setup the right pre-hire assessments that will help you find and select the best talent for your organization.


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